Tommy Four Seven [interviu]

Având în vedere că și-a lansat albumul de debut de curând, Tommy Four Seven a fost intervievat de cei de la Resident Advisor, ocazie cu care a povestit, printre altele, despre viziunea sa muzicală, modul în care și-a dezvoltat albumul și ce a stat la baza lui.

Sperăm să găsiți interviul la fel de interesant precum ni s-a părut nouă.


And you applied a very specific process to Primate. Could you explain the concept behind the album? 

The concept really came about from both boredom and frustration with the techno scene. Hearing the same sounds, the same hats, synths. It isn’t everyone, but a large majority of producers aren’t willing to take risks. It just seems we are going in circles sometimes and I think it’s time we all pushed ourselves to take things forward. I find it almost impossible to finish a track if I use the same sounds in previous tracks—I lose all motivation. So I needed a concept of no generic sounds, such as claps, hi-hat, and synths to keep me excited and interested.

It also created a box which allowed me to focus. There’s nothing worse than having too many options as you get distracted more easily. You need some kind of rules, you need some kind of direction, otherwise you’re going in all kinds of places.


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