Aventurile lui Laurent Garnier

Jonty Skrufff a realizat un interviu foarte interesant cu Laurent Garnier, în care cei doi discută despre aventurile artistului pe întregul mapamond.

Printre replicile cheie ale francezului se numără:

“I have played at a gig in Detroit where a guy got shot dead outside the party. After that we all had to lie on the floor for 10 minutes waiting for the police to come while a gang was outside shooting bullets thru the windows.”


“Once I drove from Paris to Plymouth for a gig. It took me 13 or 14 hours to get there by car. And when I finally arrived at the gig, the promoter said to me ‘you are 10 minutes late . . . fuck off!’ Then he had the security guy throw me out. That was 18 years ago. I’ve never ever been back to fucking Plymouth since . . .”

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